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The subscription rates/details are as follows:


The “Early Bird” subscription payment rate for each term is £60, with a discount to £50 for second and subsequent children.  Payments after 3 weeks are £65 and £55 respectively.  


Junior members “Early Bird" rate is TBC for first child and TBC for 2nd child etc.  Similarly, later payments should be paid in the sum of TBC and TBC.


Membership for the full year costs TBC if paid before October 31st (discounted to TBC for each subsequent child).


Please pay by Bank Transfer:
Lloyds Bank
Exeter Children's Orchestra
Sort Code: 30-93-14
Account Number:04783894
Please use your child's name as a reference.


Help is available for those in receipt of Free School Meals, please speak in confidence to a Committee member. 

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