Concerts / Important dates 13th Jan - 1st day back / Committee Meeting 20th Jan - Open Day 10th Feb - 1st week of Half Term - NO ECO/EYO/EJO 17th Feb - Back for 2nd Half Term - Full Orchestra (no Sections) 3rd March - Committee Meeting 11th March (Sun) - EYO afternoon concert at Teignmouth 24th March - Concert - St Thomas's Church, St Thomas, Exeter (It will be the last ECO Practice Session that day too prior to Easter - timings TBC) 21st April - 1st week back after Easter. Sections. 19th May - BIG concert performing at 3 Church Festival at Ashburton (we have committed to this and need to ensure we have good numbers) We will get paid for our performance! (It will also be the last ECO Practice Session that day prior to Half Term - but timings TBC) 25th May and 2nd June - Half Term - NO ECO/EYO/EJO for either week! 9th June - Back at ECO etc - Full Orchestra (not Sections) June/July - Summer Concert hopefully - TBC 14th July - Sidmouth Concert - Bring and Share lunch